CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ NT-T Series Filter Cartridge 3GPK1NTT010, 3X1, 1UM ABS, 6 Per Case

The CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ NT-T Series Cartridge is an enclosed system that uses a separate pressure vessel and disposable filter pack to isolate the product to be filtered from the housing. It reduces the labor and operator exposure to impurities and cleaning solvents involved with filter change-outs and cleaning of conventional housings.
Price: $1054.05

(Case of 6 Each)

Estimated Lead Time is 90 working days.
  • $1054.05
  • Case of 6 - $1054.05
  • Return Policy

    Our site states no returns allowed; however, in addition to a few exceptions, if your order is defective or damaged, the order will be replaced with good product. 

    • Weight
      19.6 lbs
    • SKU
    • UPC/ISBN
  • Industry
  • Lead Time
  • Manufacturer
  • SAP
  • 3M ID
  • UPC
  • Product Formal Name
    CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ NT-T Series Filter Cartridge 3GPK1NTT010, 3X1, 1UM ABS, 6 Per Case
  • Brand
    Betapure, CUNO
  • Case Unit
    Case of 6
  • Unit of Measure
  • Estimated Lead Time
  • Inventory Status Code
  • Technical Information
  • Country of Origin
  • Return Policy
    No Return
  • Box Length (in)
  • Box Width (in)
  • Box Height (in)
  • Bullets
    • Bullet 1
      - Cartridge pack system design reduces the time and labor involved with filter change-outs and cleaning of conventional housings
      - All polypropylene depth filter cartridges allow for broad chemical and temperature compatibility
      - Ratings from 0.5 to 70 micron suit a wide range of applications
      - Maintains particle retention under increasing differential pressure
      - Filter pack can be capped and reused to help lower filter cartridge costs
  • Transportation
    • ECCN Number
    • UNSPSC Code
    • United States Department Of Transportation Ground US DOT, 49 CFR
    • United States Department Of Transportation Vessel US DOT, 49 CFR
    • NMFC Item
    • NMFC Class
    • NMFC Sub
    • Transport Protective Service
    • International Air Transport Association
    • International Maritime Organization
    • Flashpoint Transport
      No Flash Point
  • SKU

Advancing Depth Filtration through Technological InnovationWe offer the CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ NT-T Series Cartridge for effective depth filtration that delivers high performance and long service life. Betapure™ NT-T' series filter technology is our latest advance in depth filtration technology. The all-polypropylene Betapure™ NT-T' series cartridge provides long service life while maintaining consistent filtration efficiency. Layers for Long LifeThree distinct media sections, made from multiple media/netting layers, are combined to form the Betapure™ NT-T' series filter cartridge. The construction combines a polypropylene media with fluid distribution netting to form multiple layers where critically positioned media flow channels allow greater movement of fluid from layer to layer. This allows uniform distribution of fluid flow and contaminant throughout the entire depth of the cartridge. The result is an absolute-rated filter with long on-stream service life.Betapure™ NT-T' series filter cartridge's consistent performance provides predictable results throughout the filter's usable life. 100% polypropylene construction affords extensive chemical and thermal compatibility and no media migration. FDA CFR-21 listed materials of construction are suitable for a broad range of applications.Applications:Chemical and Hydrocarbon ProcessingAcidsBleach (sodium hypo-chlorite)Polyethylene & polypropylene manufactureAmine sweetening & water floodFood & BeverageBottled water particulate & turbidity reductionReverse osmosis membrane & spray nozzle protectionDiatomaceous earth or carbon fine trap & beverage blendingRinsing & wash waterFine Chemical and ElectronicsPre-RO filtration of high silt density index incoming waterCopper sulfate plating bath filtration in printed circuit board construction and color screen filtration for CRT productionCoatingFilm & paper coatings, photographic filmLens coatings & can coatingsHigh quality paints & inkIndustrialMachine tool lubricationChemicals, detergents, and waste waterTextiles, plating baths, pulp & paperProcess water & ground water remediationThe CTG-Klean System DifferenceBetapure™ NT-T Series cartridges, incorporated into the CTG-Klean filter pack, is used with a special CTG-Klean System housing that contains integrated components to facilitate filtration, and keep fluid contained within the filter and not the housing. Our factory sealed filter packs help prevent by-pass and reduce worker exposure to the fluid. The self-contained system simplifies the filte

FREIGHT FREE on purchases with a subtotal of $4000.00 or more.

Our site states no returns allowed; however, if your order is defective or damaged, the order will be replaced with good product. In addition, we will attempt to return all your product (not only damaged product) if 3M grants the return based on various factors. Some items may be approved for return pending approval from 3M. Some but not all factors include if the item is a 3M stock item and elapsed time from receipt of product to issued return request. Note: 3M will not accept a return if the item is made to order or if the order is less than $600.00. Please double check accuracy of your orders prior to placing them. Details regarding if an item is stock or made to order can be found in the specifications tab of the item page. N = Made to order Item. S = Stock Item. We cannot guarantee any returns.

If you received a defective or damaged shipment, please email us at explaining in detail the reason for requesting a replacement so we can contact 3M and initiate the return and new shipment.