Command™ Outdoor Rope Light Clips with Foam Strips 17301CLRAW-ES
Return Policy
Our site states no returns allowed; however, in addition to a few exceptions, if your order is defective or damaged, the order will be replaced with good product.
Lead Time2
3M ID70006928090
Product Formal NameCommand™ Outdoor Rope Light Clips with Foam Strips 17301CLRAW-ES
Case UnitCase of 12
Unit of MeasureAssortment
Inner UnitInner of 4
Product ID17301CLRAW-ES
Estimated Lead Time2
Inventory Status CodeS
Country of OriginMexico
Return PolicyNo Return
Box Length (in)12
Box Width (in)8.4
Box Height (in)5.7
- Bullets
Bullet 1- INCLUDES - 12 Clips, 16 Small Water-Resistant Strips. Holds up to 3/8" thick rope lights
- DAMAGE-FREE DECORATING- Say goodbye to holes, marks, or sticky residue on the exterior of your home; Command Outdoor Rope Light Clips are easy to use and help keep your surfaces looking beautiful
- NO TOOLS REQUIRED- Hang outdoor Christmas decorations, holiday lights, LED lights, rope lights, string lights, cables, and cords without nails or a hammer
- STRONG AND VERSATILE-Water and UV-resistant, Outdoor Command Clips hold strongly through rain, snow, sleet and heat; Use on sealed, smooth outdoor surfaces including doors, flat vinyl siding, soffits, finished fences, tile, painted cinder block, windows
- REMOVES CLEANLY- From Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, to Christmas, decorations go up and down with ease; Perfect for your college dorm, apartment, and home
- Transportation
ECCN NumberEAR99
Harmonized Tariff Schedule Number3925900000
UNSPSC Code31162300
United States Department Of Transportation Ground US DOT, 49 CFRNOT REGULATED
United States Department Of Transportation Vessel US DOT, 49 CFRNOT REGULATED
NMFC Item156600
NMFC Class400.0
NMFC Sub01
International Air Transport AssociationNOT REGULATED
International Maritime OrganizationNOT REGULATED
Flashpoint TransportNo Flash Point
Our site states no returns allowed; however, if your order is defective or damaged, the order will be replaced with good product. In addition, we will attempt to return all your product (not only damaged product) if 3M grants the return based on various factors. Some items may be approved for return pending approval from 3M. Some but not all factors include if the item is a 3M stock item and elapsed time from receipt of product to issued return request. Note: 3M will not accept a return if the item is made to order or if the order is less than $600.00. Please double check accuracy of your orders prior to placing them. Details regarding if an item is stock or made to order can be found in the specifications tab of the item page. N = Made to order Item. S = Stock Item. We cannot guarantee any returns.
If you received a defective or damaged shipment, please email us at explaining in detail the reason for requesting a replacement so we can contact 3M and initiate the return and new shipment.